Singapore Chapter
(a) Junior Members in Surgery
(b) Fellows in Surgery
(c) Fellows in Anaesthesiology, Pathology and Radiology
(a) Candidates for Junior Membership in Surgery must be graduates of an approved school or college of medicine. A one (1) year internship, or its equivalent, must have been satisfactorily completed in a hospital approved for the training of interns, and the candidate must be presently pursuing a definite plan of training in surgery.
(b) He must present a letter from the Medical Director of the hospital in which he had served his internship, certifying satisfactory completion, and submit three (3) letters of recommendation from qualified surgical specialists, preferably Fellows of the International College of Surgeons (hereinafter known as the "International College") who had participated in the Candidate's surgical training.
(c) In addition, the candidate must be ethically and morally qualified.
(d) A Junior Member in surgery may be permitted to hold this membership for only a limited number of years, as determined by the Singapore Section from time to time, but the period shall be not more than five (5) years. He must apply for the next higher membership as soon as he is so qualified, or his membership will be terminated. No certificate may be granted to any Junior Member in Surgery, but an identification card may be presented at the discretion of the Singapore Section.
(e) Junior Members in Surgery are not entitled to hold office or to vote at general meetings.
(a) Candidates for of Fellowship in Surgery shall be graduates of an approved school or college of medicine, who had satisfactorily completed their approved internships and surgical residencies, or the equivalent.
(b) They shall be of unquestionable moral and ethical character.
(c) They shall be members of a national medical organisation and/or national specialty association in Singapore, namely the Chapter of Surgeons or the Chapter of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Candidates for Fellowship in Surgery shall have not less than three (3) years of surgical experience after obtaining such specialist qualifications which are in conformity with the standard of the Singapore Section, and shall have devoted the major part of their time to the practice of surgery.
(d) Candidates shall be admitted to Fellowship by merit and/or examination in accordance with the procedures established by this Singapore Section, and approved by the Executive Council of the International College.
(e) A candidate who has been elected to Fellowship in Surgery and who has fulfilled all obligations of the International College shall be entitled to receive a certificate of membership signed by the President and the Secretary of the International College and the President and Honorary Secretary of the Singapore Section.
(f) All Fellows in Surgery are permitted to use the initials F.I.C.S. following their names.
(g) All Fellows in Surgery who have paid up their admission fees and annual subscription are entitled to all privileges of the Singapore Section including the right to vote and hold office in the Executive Committee.
(a) Fellowship in Anaesthesiology, Pathology or Radiology shall be granted to individuals who have achieved high scientific attainment in these fields, are graduates of an approved school or college of medicine, and shall have satisfactorily completed their required internships and residencies, or its equivalent.
(b) They shall be of unquestionable moral and ethical character, and shall be recognised as specialists in their fields by their respective Societies and/or Specialty Boards.
(c) They shall be members of our national medical organisation and/or a national specialty association in Singapore, namely an equivalent Chapter of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore.
(d) They shall be elected in accordance with approved procedures established by the Singapore Section and must be approved by the Executive Council of the International College.
(e) All Fellows in Anaesthesiology, pathology and Radiology who have paid up their admission fees and annual subscription shall enjoy all of the privileges of the Singapore Section including the right to vote and hold office in the Executive Committee.
Membership is valid from January to December. If you join mid-year, the full annual fee will still apply as we do not offer prorated rates.
For members with a lapsed membership, please note that payment for the lapsed period is needed to maintain continuity. Otherwise, the membership will be processed as a new application.